Beyond experience, certification and passion, CAPOW! Guides are leaders of a growing community; a community that believes in sharing specialized mountain travel knowledge with recreational enthusiasts.
The team (Caposse) is a group of backcountry mentors that have three very important things in common:
A Capow! guide’s approach is more than “I lead, you follow,” instead, they inspire and educate steps through the PROcess of decision making and how it applies to the real mountain environment. They are backcountry mentors that lead by setting an example, stimulate the conversation and tailor to their guests desires for higher learning and experiences. This is our team, this is their backyard. Do you want to come along for the ride?
Matt has been a sponsored snowboarder for over 20 years. He could have lived a full time rocker lifestyle as an athlete in snowboarding and surfing, but he chose the real winning option; his family. Living in Squamish, Matt works as a firefighter. We asked to use his photo for the annual firefighting calendar for his bio photo, but have yet to track this down. He denies its a thing, but we don’t believe him. Many years ago Matt had a dream to become an ACMG snowboard guide. He was led to believe it was not a wise decision. Now with his kids out of the house he has set his sights to pursuing this dream. Matt has been accepted into the ACMG program! He will be spending less time at the Blanket now, but we are stoked for his new journey~
From: Chamanious (the little town that could), Vancouver Island, BC
Home: Squamish, BC