Beyond experience, certification and passion, CAPOW! Guides are leaders of a growing community; a community that believes in sharing specialized mountain travel knowledge with recreational enthusiasts.
The team (Caposse) is a group of backcountry mentors that have three very important things in common:
A Capow! guide’s approach is more than “I lead, you follow,” instead, they inspire and educate steps through the PROcess of decision making and how it applies to the real mountain environment. They are backcountry mentors that lead by setting an example, stimulate the conversation and tailor to their guests desires for higher learning and experiences. This is our team, this is their backyard. Do you want to come along for the ride?
Celine left a career as a chef in inner-city Toronto in her early 20s to move to BC and never looked back. After finding skiing, she chose every job that allowed her to be adjacent to it. Almost a decade later, she found the Blanket and realized she could marry her first career and her pursuit of backcountry skiing, which was a no brainer! She’ll swoon you with her squash soups and sing you lullabies over the radio.